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  • Telescope for SAT-COM
  • 80cm Telescope in Turkmenistan
  • Coelostat
  • 8m Lotus Dome
  • Spiral Galaxy
  • 86cm Wide-Field Telescope
  • Prototyp for ESO Laser Guide Star Telescope
  • 130cm Alt-Az Telescope in Slovakia
  • 50cm Robotic Telescope in France
  • 100cm Alt-Az Telescope in Tenerife
  • 60cm Telescope for Exo-Planet Search
  • 80cm Alt-Az Robotic Telescope in France
  • ASTELCO Professional Telescopes Worldwide


Welcome to ASTELCO Systems

"We understand ourselves as one of the many branches of scientific research, listening to scientists and providing them with what they need to achieve their goals. Many of our projects are requests from the astronomical community, which we turn into ready-to-buy products."

– Peter Aniol, Co-Founder and Managing Director    







Seven temperate terrestrial planets around the nearby ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1

Belgian Science Team detects new planets with ASTELCO 60cm telescope !

On February 22, 2017, leading press around the globe announced on their front pages the top story about this exciting discovery.
Five of the seven planets orbiting the dwarf star have been discovered in 2016 with TRAPPIST telescope located in La Silla, Chile.
It is an ASTELCO 60cm RC system with NTM-500 mount.
The extreme accuracy of the mount and optics of this telescope allowed for these sensitive measurements.

Congratulations to Dr. Michael GILLON, Emmanuel JEHIN and their team!

Read article in "nature"